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The Great Disconnect

Does your daughter struggle with staying focused on the Lord? Does it feel like she just goes to church only to forget about it the rest of the week? I can assure you that you are not alone in feeling this.There is often a disconnect for many teen girls (and let’s be real, many Christians in general) between their lives on Sunday mornings at church versus how they live the other six days. There’s a gap between their head and their heart when it comes to their faith. There’s a missing link that keeps them busy with religious activity and they lack real life change with Christ.

Parents, you play such a special part in your daughter’s spiritual life. You get to help her discover the joy and purpose found in connection with Christ in every single moment of her life. What a privilege that is!

Here are five tips from a girl whose parents never let her forget that Jesus isn’t just for Sundays:

  1. Are you staying committed to your relationship with Jesus? Your girls will follow your example. If they see you living one way on Sunday and differently throughout the week, they won’t feel compelled to stay committed either.

  2. Take the time to talk about the church service or sermon all throughout the week. Keep reminding them that those lessons are applicable in their everyday lives.

  3. If there is a youth group or small group available, encourage them to go! Introverts and extroverts alike need companionship. Make sure they are making godly friends that spur them on towards a deeper relationship with Christ.

  4. Get your girl serving! Challenge them to take it beyond serving in the nursery on Sunday mornings. Help them find service projects or opportunities to volunteer. It can be events with your church or simply hanging out with elderly people at an assisted living place for a couple hours. They can do something outside of themselves and feel gratified in the work they get to do! Explain that they can really be the hands and feet of Jesus by using the gifts and talents the Lord has given them. 

  5. Pray with your girls everyday. Every morning, evening, and meal. Before they go to bed. When they have a headache or heartache. Don’t just pray for things, but praise God for the things He’s given you. I’m sure when they were little you prayed with them every night before they went to sleep and it may feel funny doing it again, but it is worth it. I know it’s hard to get your teen to pay attention for even a second. When they see you prioritizing them and fostering their relationship with God, they will start to make it a priority in their own lives. Prayer changes things. 

Remember, Jesus never said anything about His presence being reserved for one day of the week. He gave us His Holy Spirit that is with us every moment of everyday. 


Abby Underwood has struggled with social anxieties her whole life. Realizing her value in Christ, she overcame the challenges of loneliness, she is now fueled by her passion to help girls find their identity in Christ. Abby works as a member of the social media team and student ministry at Life.Church Hendersonville. Connect with Abby: Instagram // Website