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Summer Study

Planning a Summer Bible Study

I don’t know about you all, but summer seems to sneak up on us every single year! Christmas comes and goes….winter retreat is upon us…and BOOM. Summer is here.

It is so easy to get caught up in the event chaos of the summer and forget to build in intentional, weekly time with your girls in Bible study.

In my home church I have found that our summer groups have provided some of the sweetest time digging into God’s word in a season where our gals aren’t balancing the weekly homework, prom dates and ACT tests.

Here are a few steps that you can take to get summer studies rolling right where you are.


Gather with any key leaders in your ministry and pray over direction for your girls.

Remember that the purpose is for these girls to fall more in love with Jesus through time in God’s Word and fellowship with other girls in your church family.


Take some time and consider what might be the best way to structure your study! Small groups? Larger teaching time? The bible study world is your oyster!

Would your crew work best splitting up middle school and high school girls? Would you gals benefit from mixing up the age groups?

I would encourage you to chat with your girls and get their feedback. Often they are more than willing to mix it up and change their usual than we give them credit for!

Don’t forget that the heartbeat of amazing groups are amazing leaders!

Think about which leaders could hop in over the summer! Consider those who usually cannot serve doing the school year, since these short term studies can be an amazing time to add in some fresh faces and voices.



There are tons of amazing resources available out there! Some of my current favorites are:

As For Me: Life Through The Lens Of The Psalms by Adrienne Camp

Jesus & Women: In The First Century And Now by Kristi McLelland

Ashamed: Fighting Shame With The Word of God by Scarlet Hiltibidal


Decide where and when you will meet each week. Think about what environment might be best for your girls and would best suit the goals you have set for your time together.


Start that chat train! Spread the word to girls and parents about what you are going to offer this summer. Let them know when and where you will meet, what supplies they need to bring, and which book they need to purchase!


Make sure to build in time to CELEBRATE your girls and all that God does during your time together! Get creative—paint party, water balloon fight, cookie decorating, movie night…so many options!

The truth is that nobody knows your gals like you do! I am praying right now that the Lord would highlight in your mind and heart the needs of your girls at this current time and help you gain clarity on how to kickoff summer bible study for your crew.

Know that we are here cheering you on and praying for you as you lead!

Happy Summer!