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Counseling Girls, Discipleship, High School, Mentoring, Middle School, Moms, Small Group Leaders, Uncategorized


Our girls are growing up in a world that desperately wants them to conform. There is evidence all around us, from music to social media to Netflix, that the world is pointing our girls away from what Christ has called them to be. In this season of their lives, the hallways are their mission field. They have the opportunity to stand out from the crowd in the way they walk with boldness, the way they love, and the way their presence shines the light of Christ.

Therefore, it is our responsibility to show our girls that we have a unique calling on our lives to be transformed. I believe with everything in my heart that the next generation of world changers is rising up as our girls individually own their relationship with Christ.

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” —Romans 12:2

As the women in their lives, we need to remind them that weare called to be transformed and not to conform to this world. Every time Iread this verse, I imagine the play dough that consumed my time as a kid. Iwould squish all of the different colors into one ball and eventually theywould lose their distinct color. They would all conform into this dull color.At other times, I would choose to keep the colors separate and create beautifulthings.

We can use that illustration with our girls and show them that we are just like that. If we start to live according to this world and not according to the higher calling placed on our lives by Jesus, we start to blend in just like the world. It becomes more and more difficult to distinguish us, as Christians, from everyone else. God has called us to be transformed. When we surrender our lives over to Him, He is able to use our lives, our stories, and our futures for His will and purpose.

You might have a girl in your life that is thinking, “What’s so bad about blending in? I want to blend in with the crowds in my middle school, high school, or college.” We can show them how that is not what we are called to do and that is not who we are. We are called as children of light to reflect the light. Our Eternal Father is THE Light. As children of Christ, we reflect His love, His compassion, and His grace to others. When they see us, they should be able to see Christ in us.

Now, what does being transformed even look like? How do we share this with our girls?

It looks like living out our relationship with Christ day byday. When I was in elementary school, I remember my mom would write me a note andleave it in my lunch box. I would want to show the note to all of my friends. Iwanted to show them how much my mom loved me. Our relationship with God is nodifferent. When you have a relationship with God, you love Him so much that youwant to share how much He loves you and all He has done in your life. When wespend time with our girls, we need to be open and honest with them about what God is doing in our lives. Our girlsare able to first soak up what is caught then what is taught. Therefore, we have to live it out first,and then they will follow.

Some of your girls may be ready to share about Jesus this very second. The rest of them may be a little more hesitant. When they let hesitation creep in, a million excuses come in as well. They think about all of the homework, assignments, quizzes, and tests that are waiting for them. We need to remind our girls that we cannot let our hesitation, fear, or excuses get in the way of our purpose. As beautiful daughters of the Most High King, we have a unique calling. Our girls are placed exactly where God wants them to be to share about Him in their dorms, classrooms, hallways, and beyond. God wants to use each of us right where we are and He wants to give us the boldness to share with others. When we think about it, someone brought us to Christ. It’s time to share that gift with someone around us.

As you head into this year, remind your girls that thehallways are their mission field. God will give them the boldness and the wordsto say. They just have to choose to take the first step and share the greatestlove of all time, Jesus. He is their light to shine bright for all to see.


Jillian Murphy usually introduces herself as “Just Jillian.” Not to minimize who God has made her to be, but because she realizes how blessed she is to be used as a vessel. Jillian is a college student, speaker, and writer. She is the author of Powerfully Weak, This is Why, The Four Seasons of Hope, as well as the co-author of A Bigger Purpose. She is passionate about sharing God’s Word with students and women of all ages! She believes no matter who you are or where you’ve been the Word of God is relevant to your life as you strive to live with authentic faith in Christ. Connect with Jillian: Instagram // Website