Merry (almost) Christmas! Though there’s strong debate about when we should begin listening to Christmas music, let’s at least not debate when we should start preparing our hearts for the Christmas season. Christmas is about the birth of Christ, but in the hustle and bustle of the season, we can easily lose sight of that. Even if you’re not ready to listen to Christmas music quite yet, I encourage you to begin thinking about how you can be intentional with your family to keep Christ at the center of the holiday. Don’t worry, though, we’re here to help!
We know you don’t need to add another thing to your already long Christmas to-do list, so what you’ll find here is low-maintenance, low-prep, and something you can incorporate to things you already do (meals, car rides, etc.). For each week day, there’s a Scripture that points to Christ and two discussion questions. We encourage you to read this as a family and discuss it together.
On the weekends, there’s a prayer prompt for your family to pray for together. The weekends can also be used as a time to “catch up” on Scripture readings, since we know how crazy things can be this time of year!
Advent Calendar Download(Also, if you’re a woman and looking for a resource to go through on your own, Lifeway Girls highly recommends this new Lifeway Women Advent Study.)
Dear friends, I pray your heart will be stirred in love and praise for the Lord this Christmas season as you and your family take a quick journey from Genesis to Revelation concerning Christ. If you don’t finish this in 25 days, guess what? That’s okay! We can celebrate Jesus’s birth year-round, so keep reading these passages with your family as you’re able. I pray this starts a new tradition of conversations about Jesus around dinner tables, in cars, and more all throughout the year.
May your Christmas season be full of the love of Christ as we celebrate his birth!
Cassie Pattillo is a pastor’s wife, mom to two energetic boys, and one precious daughter. She’s passionate about biblical literacy, as well as writing and teaching about Scripture. Cassie’s a big fan of slow mornings with a cup of coffee, a good book on the beach, and Gamecock football. She loves giving gospel-centered encouragement through writing, which you can find on her blog, Diaries of a Daughter.