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Girls Ministers, Ministry, Small Group Leaders

Remember Your Why

“Every Christian gives something for the gospel….. but some give everything for the gospel.” These words still ring in my heart to this day.  I was a 17 year old girl listening to our retreat speaker read through Acts 20:24. 

“But I consider my life of no value to myself; my purpose is to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24) 

The speaker rattled on about a missionary who rode his bike through Thailand telling people about Jesus. I remember my heart thumping and racing with conviction from the Lord. I wholeheartedly desired to be obedient to the call God was placing on my life to tell others about Jesus. But my mind doubted saying “I’m not really a camper. If that’s what an obedient life to Jesus looks like—that ain’t me. I’m more of an indoor girl.”

Little did I know about the crazy/amazing/insane/adventurous/scary/wonderful journey of ministry to teen girls the Lord had for me. Looking back on 20 years of walking in that call for my life it is SO evident that the Lord had this planned all along. Remembering your why is the most critical part of your ministry calling. It is the fuel that pushes you forward and the motivation to take that next step.  To stay the course, you must take moments of reflection to simply remember why you do this each day! 

Remember Your Lord! 

Take a moment and pause and remember WHO our God is! He is strong, mighty, steadfast, and King! His love for you has no bounds. He promises (and He always keeps His promises) that He is with you. He is going before you.  Don’t forget who your Lord is! In a moment of discouragement and doubt, the best way (honestly the only way) to combat that is with bold faith-filled praise to your King Jesus! 

Remember Your Person! 

Who was the person that showed you what it looked like to be a woman of God? Was it your mom? A small group leader? A friend? A mentor? What aspects of their character do you remember admiring most? Take a minute to simply praise the Lord for that person or persons in your life that God used to shape you into who you are today.  Remembering the impact that others have had on your life creates a thankful heart. That thankfulness will create a desire to be that person in the life of others. 

Remember Your Girls! 

I find more encouragement from the lives of my girls than I’m sure they ever do from me! Oh wow—they are amazing! Their faith and joy for Jesus is simply contagious.  I love nothing more than watching a girl grow in her faith and love for God’s Word. Take a minute and think about those girls. Think about the way the Lord sees them and their hearts. God’s intentional plan for them. Are they perfect? No. Will they break your heart at times? Yes. But God’s love for them must be what fuels you each day. What an incredible honor and privilege to be even a tiny part of their story! 

Remember Your Calling! 

Every time I read Acts 20:24 I feel my heart quicken! The Lord has called you to a purpose so much bigger than yourself! When you are discouraged and wonder if what you do matters—go back to that truth! Your calling is the Lord’s calling.  It’s not about the platform, the place or the people around you.  It’s about God using you. All you have to do is be obedient and faithful to show up and lean on Jesus. He will take care of everything else! It’s a beautiful thing to be able to surrender each day to the Lord and walk in that state of surrender! 

You are loved! What an amazing thing we get to do pointing this generation of young ladies to Jesus!


Steph Williford lives in Dallas, TX and with her hubby Bryan! She has worked with teen girls for 15 years at Prestonwood Baptist Church! She believes this generation of teen girls could change the world for the gospel. She loves nothing more than talking about Jesus + Girls’ Ministry. She is also obsessed with corgis, confetti and queso! // Connect with Steph: Instagram