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Dad, Moms, Parents, Prayer

November Prayer Calendar for Parents

Prayer is essential. Ministry and parenting make it very clear that we are dependent on God. Your girls belong to Him, and He is the only one who can work in their hearts. Knowing your girls and being in their lives means that God has given you the privilege and responsibility to pray for them. If you’re not praying for them, then who is? 

I hope this calendar serves as a helpful guide, offering some variety and a different perspective for your prayers. Feel free to use this guide repeatedly, even after November is over. Let the prayer prompts be a jumping off point, and make your prayers personal for each girl. Take time to read and pray through the corresponding Scripture passages, and maybe even send her a few that would be particularly meaningful. 

Access your prayer calendar HERE!

Here are 30 prayer prompts to go along with each Scripture verse:

  1. May she pursue wisdom and walk in it, built on a foundation of love and worship of You. — Proverbs 9:10

  2. May You be her strength each day, so that she can persevere in every aspect of school. — Colossians 3:23-24

  3. Lord, please provide her with strong, nurturing friendships, and help her to relate to others with kindness, grace, and understanding. — Ephesians 4:1-3

  4. Unite her heart to love and fear You; may she be satisfied in You and love You above all. — Psalm 18:1-2

  5. May she have an ever-growing love for Your Word, the desire to know You through the Word, and a teachable heart to hear and obey. — Psalm 19:7-11

  6. Lord, when anxiety rises, may she turn to You as her refuge; may Your truth reign in her mind and heart, and Your presence bring her peace. — 1 Peter 5:6-7

  7. May her sense of identity be rooted in who You say that she is as Your image-bearer and Your child in Christ. — Colossians 3:1-4

  8. May You make known to her Your steadfast love that is immeasurable and undeserved. — Ephesians 3:14-19

  9. Lord, please help her to learn to turn to You in sorrow and disappointment, that she would see You as her comfort and sustaining strength. — Psalm 73:25-26

  10. Lord, please help her to know Your presence in each moment, and may Your presence be her comfort and joy. — Psalm 16:11

  11. May her heart be wholly devoted to You and not swayed by the empty promises of the world. — 2 Timothy 2:22

  12. Lord, please give her a heart to share Your grace with others; cultivate in her a boldness to speak of You and testify of Your goodness. — 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

  13. Lord, please fill her with a joy that is unquenchable and rooted in You rather than in circumstances; may she shine Your light and bring joy to others. — Habakkuk 3:17-19

  14. Lord, give her eyes to see her present life from an eternal perspective, that her small story is wrapped up in Your big story of redemption. — 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

  15. May she grow in humble dependence on You, rather than striving for her own perfection. — 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

  16. Lord, help her to know and live out her core purpose: to know You, to be transformed into Your image, and to make You known. — 1 Peter 2:9-12

  17. May every emotion she experiences be an opportunity to turn to You and know You more deeply. Teach her to acknowledge and process her emotions in a healthy way. — Psalm 62:8

  18. Through Your Word and the work of Your Spirit, I pray that her thoughts and desires would be transformed to match Yours, rather than being conformed to the ways of the world. —Romans 12:1-2

  19. May her vision be captured by Your unmerited grace, so that she may in turn forgive those who sin against her. — Ephesians 4:31-32

  20. Lord, please help her to see her sin clearly, to grieve the way it separates her from You, and daily seek to turn from it. — Romans 6:12-13

  21. When she is stressed or overwhelmed, please steady her heart, clarify her perspective, and comfort her with Your presence. — Psalm 94:18-19

  22. Lord, I pray that she would pursue relationships with older women who can serve as mentors to help teach and guide her, so that she may grow up in You. — Ephesians 4:11-16

  23. May she live in awe of Your grace and love that has been displayed on the cross. May the magnitude of Your undeserved grace be always on her mind. — Psalm 103:1-5

  24. Father, I pray that Your amazing grace would teach and change her, that her response to You would be one of joyful obedience. — Titus 2:11-14

  25. May she not be enslaved by the opinion or evaluation of people, but fear You above all. — Proverbs 29:25

  26. May her posture toward You always be one of gratitude; may she rejoice in You in all things. — Psalm 30:12

  27. May she live in a way that honors You and reflects Christ to those around her. Help her to resist the pull of the world and persevere in faith. — Colossians 1:9-14

  28. Lord, please give her a heart that genuinely cares for others and treats them with kindness and compassion. — Philippians 2:1-4

  29. In this broken world, where the future feels uncertain, may her hope be firmly set on You and Your steadfast love. — Lamentations 3:21-24

  30. May she worship You in Your majesty and glory. — 1 Chronicles 29:10-13

We recommend printing the calendar, then using the space above each verse to write down specific requests that your daughter has. I invite you to commit to pray for your girls each day for the next month and watch expectantly to see how God will work in their hearts and yours.


Megan Burns is a biblical counselor in Virginia with experience counseling students and parents in the local church. She is married to Brian and enjoys writing about counseling, discipleship and missions on her blog, Remade Whole. Connect with Megan: Blog // Instagram